International Piano Competition „Chopin at Wawel” based upon the National Competition For Young Pianists „Chopin at Wawel” is the first international, monographic, piano competition held in Krakow. The originator and founder of the Competition, dr hab. Gajusz Kęska, repeatedly emphasized the need to promote the city as a center of performing the Fryderyk Chopin’s music, also by stating that in the past Krakow was the cradle of the Polish piano school. Here, in Krakow, the eminent pianists and pedagogues had lived and had led master classes: Zbigniew Drzewiecki, Halina Czerny – Stefańska, Regina Smendzianka, Adam Harasiewicz, Tadeusz Żmudziński and Jan Hoffman among others. They were all world-renowned interpreters of Chopin's music and laureates of the Fryderyk Chopin International Piano Competition in Warsaw.
First edition of the Competition from June 2015 has met with a great interest among the audience in Krakow. Contestants came from all across the Poland and the jury highlighted the very high level of their performances. II National Competition For Young Pianists „Chopin at Wawel”, which is a continuation of initiated in the previous year "the return of Chopin's music at Wawel", has gained wide acclaim not only in the country but also abroad. This fact convinced organizers to extend the Competition range and give it the international rank.
In year 2017 and 2019 participants performed in four age groups and were judged by distinguished teachers and pianists at the same time, experts on Fryderyk Chopin’s artistic work and university professors from Poland and abroad. Following persons are invited to the Jury: prof. Andrzej Pikul (Chairman of the Jury), prof. Anna Malikova, prof. Yang Ming, prof. Achille Gallo, prof. Aquiles Delle Vigne, prof. Natalia Ricci, prof. Joanna Li, prof. Mikhail Aleksandrov, prof. Yuki Matsuzawa, mgr Sławomir Zubrzycki, prof. You Xi and dr hab. Gajusz Kęska (Director of the Competition, Secretary of the Jury).
Next edition of the Competition will be held on 7-11 July 2021. Participants will perform in four age groups - the same as it was during previous edition. Program of the Competition is available on this website in "Rules".
Competition is organized by “Porta Musicae” Artistic Association, coorganizers are Academy of Music in Krakow and Fryderyk Chopin Secondary Music School in Krakow and will be held in the auditorium "Florianka" - the concert hall of the Music Academy in Krakow, shared for Auditions thanks to the courtesy of the Academy authorities, with support of Pro Musica Humana Association.